
« Cary, Henry Francis Caryl, Joseph Casali del Drago, Giovanni Baptista »

Caryl, Joseph

CARYL, JOSEPH: English Independent clergyman; b. in London 1602; d. there Mar. 10, 1673. He studied at Exeter College, Oxford, and became preacher at Lincoln's Inn; was appointed minister of St. Magnus' Church near London Bridge, 1645; ejected by the Act of Uniformity, 1662, but gathered a new congregation and continued to preach in the same neighborhood. He was a member of the Westminster Assembly and one of the triers for the approbation of ministers in 1653. He is remembered for his Exposition with Practical Observations on the Book of Job (12 vols., 4to, London, 1664–66; 2d ed., 2 vols., folio, 1676–77; abridged ed. by Berrie, Edinburgh, 1836).

« Cary, Henry Francis Caryl, Joseph Casali del Drago, Giovanni Baptista »
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